Frequently Asked Questions

Type your question. 从输入字段中的任意关键字开始搜索表:

Question Answer
Where is the library?

Many campuses have a library.
市中心校园图书馆在博士大楼的二楼. Phillips Academic Commons Building.
Osceola Campus Library is in Building 4, Room 202.
West Campus Library is in Building 6.
Winter Park library is in Room 140.

What are the library's hours?

每个校园图书馆都有不同的开放时间. 请提前打电话确认当前的图书馆时间表.

Do you have any study rooms?

Each campus has some type of quiet study area from group or individual study rooms to quiet study zones. Ask each campus what options are available.

What if I lost something at the Library?

Check with the library’s Circulation 桌子上 看看书是否先交给了图书馆工作人员. Lost items are turned over to the Security Department on each campus.


所有的图书馆在借阅处都有耳机,这样你就可以听了 to DVD’s, streaming videos, etc. at a library computer station.

Does the library have scanners?

是的. 所有图书馆都有打印、复印和扫描的多功能设备 capability. 一些库还提供单独的高清晰度扫描仪. 问一个 图书馆工作人员扫描选项在您的位置.

Does the library have fax machines?

Valencia libraries do not have fax machines. Each campus may have another department that offers faxing. Just ask!

How do I check out a book?

出示你的金沙注册身份证,上面有你想在流通处借阅的物品 桌子上. All items must be checked out with a Valencia ID.

How do I get a Library card?

Your Valencia ID card is your library card. You can get your first card free at each campus Security Department.

How many books can I check out?


How do I pay a library fine?

图书馆罚款可以在各校区的商务办公室支付,除了诺娜湖和 Winter Park. 图书馆罚款由诺娜湖校区行政办公室支付, Room 302. 图书馆罚款在冬季公园答疑中心支付.

How do I renew my materials online?

在图书过期之前,请登录图书馆帐户续借. Log into 阿特拉斯, 点击课程选项卡,进入图书馆框,点击搜索图书馆. In 在目录页的右上角,点击你的名字看看是什么书 你已经退房了,什么时候到期,还有你是否有罚款. If there are no holds on the item, you can renew it once. If the item is overdue, you cannot renew 在网上借一本书,必须把书还给任何金沙注册图书馆.

Can I return materials to any Valencia Library?

所有金沙注册图书馆资料可以归还给任何校园图书馆. If you have 馆际互借材料从金沙注册借来但从另一所学校,你 必须把这本书带回你最初借阅的图书馆吗.

我如何从其他金沙注册学院图书馆借书? How long will it 取?

你可以向金沙注册其他校区的图书馆索取资料,并将其送达 to a specific campus. Through the Valencia College Library catalog,登录并单击您需要的项目的目录条目中的“请求项目”链接 想要. 选择您想要投递的校园位置. Deliveries between campuses usually 取 between 2 - 3 days. You will receive an email to your 阿特拉斯 一旦项目被交付到您选择的位置帐户.

我如何从金沙注册学院外索取一本书或一篇文章? How long will it 取?

金沙注册学院图书馆是几个不同的馆际互借系统的一部分. 书籍和文章可以从佛罗里达州的其他学院和大学索取. 此外,我们是一个系统的一部分,可以向其他成员图书馆索取资料 worldwide. 通常需要2周左右才能收到其他公司的材料 institutions.

How can I tell if my book is overdue?

登录阿特拉斯,点击课程选项卡,进入图书馆框,点击搜索 the Library. 在目录页的右上角,单击您的姓名 看看你借了什么书,什么时候到期,如果你有罚款.

Can a librarian help me when the Library is closed?

金沙注册学院图书馆是全州研究帮助系统的一部分 Ask-A-Librarian. 与佛罗里达图书管理员的实时聊天可以在周日至周四的上午10点至午夜进行 and 10 am to 5 pm Friday and Saturday. Email and texting are also available and will 金沙注册图书管理员在金沙注册营业时间回答.

How and where can I make copies in the Library?

All libraries have multi-function devices with printing, copying, and scanning capability.Black-and-white copies cost $.10 per page, while color copies cost $.20.

Can I print in color in the Library?

是的. 各图书馆均设有彩色印刷、彩色复印、 and color scanning capability. Color printing or copying costs $.20 per page.

Does the library loan textbooks?

每个校园图书馆都有一个保留资料区,里面有一些教科书 and other materials for classroom use. Each campus collection is different. You can 寻找金沙注册学院的储备材料 Library catalog 页面,高级搜索,选择课程储备,并输入主题或书名.

How do I find a specific item?

Library catalog has search tools to help refine your research. If you are looking for a book, you 能否在目录的搜索词框中输入主题、作者姓名或标题. 你也可以将搜索限制在特定的校园和/或材料类型(书籍、 articles, ebooks, etc.)

Where can I look up books?

Search for materials by using the Valencia College Library catalog. 它可以从任何你有互联网接入的地方访问. Log into your 阿特拉斯 account, 进入“课程”选项卡,找到“图书馆”框,然后单击“搜索图书馆”.

How do I find electronic resources/databases?

On the Valencia College Library catalog 页面,页面顶部的工具栏有许多访问数据库的链接. 单击Databases A-Z以查找许多不同的数据库.

How do I cite the information I use in my paper?

金沙注册学院图书馆有一个网站,上面有关于 MLA, APA and Chicago Style guides. 该网站提供了所有三种风格的引用示例以及样本论文 for you to view. 如果您有具体的引用问题,请访问通讯 Center available on each campus.

I can’t find the answer to my question in these 常见问题解答; where can I get more help?

图书馆特定的或金沙注册特定的问题可以在营业时间回答 by the Library 信息rmation 桌子上 at each campus. Downtown Campus (407) 235-3720
East Campus, (407) 582-2456
Lake Nona Campus, (407) 582-7107
Osceola Campus, (407) 582-4154
Poinciana Campus, (407) 582-6027
West Campus, (407) 582-1432
Winter Park Campus, (407) 582-6832

You can contact the library by e-mailing 有关于您的图书馆帐户,访问,罚款,持有和退房的问题.

需要技术技能帮助的学生,比如微软办公软件、设备、 Canvas, or applications like YouTube can  request an online appointment with a staff member in Learning Support.

After hours, go to Ask-A-Librarian for research-related questions.