


Her career in the film industry started at 澳门金沙注册, where she stumbled into 服装——和角色的契合度.


Tomoko戈达德 was standing on a beach in Puerto Rico, working on the filming of “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever,” when Oscar-winning costume designer Ruth Carter hollered 在她的.

“你! 你的项链! 脱下它!”

Goddard, a costumer who’d already been working with Carter for about a year, laughed 应卡特粗鲁的要求. 但卡特解释说她一直在找一条项链 for the film’s young prince Namor since the crew had arrived in Puerto Rico, where 他们正在拍摄海洋场景和纳莫尔童年的闪回.

智子拿出她的工具箱,开始忙碌起来. 她用假珍珠做了这条项链 and gold links herself, and, because Carter wanted the necklace for a child actor, 智子迅速把手工制作的项链剪短,递了过去. 卡特把它放在 on actor Manuel Chavez while the cameras were rolling – and, sure enough, if you look carefully, you can see Tomoko’s necklace in the film – and in photographs of Chavez 从集合中.


That brush with fame may feel alien to most of us, but for #VCGrad Tomoko戈达德, 这只是办公室里的又一天. 确切地说,是在片场.

Tomoko’s career in the film industry started in 澳门金沙注册’s Film Production 技术项目. 但她却意外地成为了一名服装设计师——就像命运安排的那样 角色合适吗.

A home-schooled student, Tomoko started taking classes at 澳门金沙注册 as a dual 15岁入学. 她比大多数人都早完成了文学副学士学位 她的几个朋友都高中毕业了,所以她决定拿一些A.S. 要看的课程 她想专注于什么样的职业啊.

“我上了音乐课、电脑课和电影课,”她回忆道. 但是在这一点上 first day, when she walked into the old screening room classroom, installed with movie-theater 席间,她坠入爱河. “当我走进那个有红色座位的教室时,” 她说:“我想,‘天哪,这就是我的归属.’ “

She loved everything about the college’s film technology program: breaking down parts 一部电影,学习剧本和电影制作. “我只是爱上了它.”

At first, she studied to become a script supervisor (known as “a scripty” in the business). But during one of the college productions, during which 澳门金沙注册 students partner with professionals to make a full-length feature film, there was only one 可供学生在剧本主管的团队中工作. Tomoko最好的 友子的朋友想要这个位置,所以友子提出做别的事情. 澳门金沙注册,因为智子 她自己缝衣服,一位同学建议她试试服装.


在那部电影里,”心碎智子开始与电影的服装设计师合作. 当服装设计师 suddenly got sick during the filming, she gave Tomoko a crash course in continuity 然后把缰绳交给智子.

That turned out to be the best career decision – or happy accident – in Tomoko’s life.

“I kind of got thrown into it, because of the situation on the film at Valencia, but 这太棒了,”她说. “澳门金沙注册,因为我在金沙注册,所以很安全。 being able to switch to a completely new role and knowing that people had your back. Even though that was my first time doing costume design, knowing the people who are 相信你能做到.”

这次经历教会了她要相信自己的直觉,也要相信自己的训练. “我要。 与业内最有才华的人一起工作. 他们会问你一个问题 and you know the answer, but you’re talking to this huge person, an Oscar winner, and you have to trust that you have the experience, you do have the answers and you 能给出正确答案吗.”

金沙注册学院毕业后.S. 电影技术制作专业毕业; Tomoko worked in Central Florida for a year and a half, working on “The Martial Arts “孩子们”和一个电视节目,在佛罗里达的工作枯竭之前.

Working as a barista to make money, Tomoko began sending her resume to film production companies and film folks in Atlanta – even using a friend’s address in Atlanta on 简历上写着她是“本地的”,可以在短时间内找到工作. 和 sure enough, one Thursday, she got a call from an Atlanta production company, asking 如果她周一能来片场的话.

Tomoko packed her bags and slept on a friend’s couch for three months, while working 《澳门金沙注册》是《澳门金沙注册》的衍生剧.”

From that point on, she networked nonstop, so that when one job ended, she focused 在降落下一个时. 还有一个重要的因素,那就是奥兰多的队伍 in Atlanta – most of them graduates from Full Sail and 澳门金沙注册’s film programs.

“There were kids from Valencia moving up there and starting to work up there,” she 回忆. “我知道我在那里会有一个社区. 我知道有一些相机 和我以前一起出去玩的人.”

和 during her nine years in the business, she’s grateful for the opportunities she received at 澳门金沙注册, where the film program gives students a chance to try 他们在电影片场扮演了许多角色.

“When I meet people who’ve gone to other film schools, they come to the set and they’re production assistants and they’re not quite sure what they want to do,” says Tomoko, 现在31岁. “我觉得这是金沙注册的优势所在. 你可以在一部电影中尝试所有不同的领域(工作). “

Tomoko戈达德 (top) got her break as a costumer on the set of the 2013 film "心碎."

Now that Tomoko has settled into a career as a costumer, she finds that the public 不太了解她的工作. 所以我们问了她几个问题:


“很多人都感到困惑. 他们以为我是设计师或裁缝之类的 这不是我的两件事吗. 我是现场服装设计师,所以这意味着设计师和 seamstresses have already made the costumes, have already gotten the costumes approved 由制片人和导演做的,他们做了试装. 这一切完成之后 approved, the night before the shoot, we’ll get the costumes and the designer will explain how it’s worn (especially importantly for ‘Black Panther’), so we’ll go and 把服装放在演员的房间或拖车里.

“In the morning, they’ll go to 发型和化妆, and they’ll come back and put their 服装上. 很多时候,我们设计的是现代服装,所以这可能只是 a T-shirt and jeans and shoes, so there’s no explanation needed, but for ‘Black Panther,’ 每一块都让人摸不着头脑. 有扣,有钩,还有不同的拉链 你永远不会想到他们会去的地方. 所以之后我去检查演员 发型和化妆. 我会敲门说:“嘿,你需要帮忙吗? 穿着?于是,我给他们从头到脚穿好衣服.

“When actors are called to set, I go with the actors, make sure they’re comfortable in their clothes, that they are ok with everything from the jewelry to the shoes, 例如,确保鞋子不会起水泡. 在他们开始之前, 他们会让我们最后看一眼的. 我们和设计师核对一下,看看是否一切正常 正确的. 例如,如果是一件带拉链的卫衣,她想要拉链吗 向上的路,一半或完全打开? 还是她想要所有的戒指都戴在手上?

“So you work with the designer and the actor to make sure that it’s a look that the 设计师和导演.”

每位顾客都有一个套装,装在腰间的袋子里. 你的盒子里有什么? 工具包?

“哦,很多. 剪刀、针和线、创可贴(用于治疗鞋子疼痛)等等 客户没有. 1个武器:安全别针. (如果需要的话,你可以快速做一个下摆.) I also carry a ribbon of threads in every color of the rainbow, so if there are last-minute changes or alterations needed, I can just pull it out, thread my needle and just sew.”


“在大型制作中,通常有10个客户. 通常至少有两个 布景服装师,他们的工作是帮助主要演员制作服装.
There’s a truck costumer – who works out of the costume truck where all the clothes 生活.
然后是两三个背景客户. 说到背景,他们 have so many more people than we do (because they’re dressing and costuming the extras.)
和 the designer’s there and the assistant designer is always there and there’s a 主管,还有女裁缝.”

你做过的最好的服装是什么 ?

”黑豹! 露丝·卡特赢得了奥斯卡奖——毫不费力!
“She was building costumes until the day of shooting and to the point, I was sewing 人们盛装打扮. 每件作品都是手工制作,手工制作,手工印刷,都是内部制作.”


At 澳门金沙注册, we work every day to create a level playing field for college 各种背景的学生,打造一所每个学生都能成功的大学. 我们的学生不断给我们带来惊喜. 阅读更多他们的故事.